
Activities under the NG Group play an important role for the Nordics to achieve their climate goals and transition to a circular economy. Activities center around making available the materials embedded in waste streams and offering services related to reuse, waste management, environmental services, and material extraction throughout entire industrial value chains. Extension of usable life, reuse, and downstream merchandise production are becoming increasingly important areas for the group.

Sustainable impact

Through the group’s business activities, discarded materials are directed into new products, mitigating the need for primary materials, thereby lowering the environmental and climate footprint of manufacture. As such, the NG Group facilitates sustainable industrial development and a sustainable supplier industry. Services related to recycling still comprise the largest part of the business in terms of revenue.


NG-Group strives to communicate actively and openly. Our goal is to ensure the financial market the same access to financial information.
Here you can read or download any of our reports.

Integrated annual report 2023


Årsrapport 2022


Årsrapport 2021


Styrets årsberetning 2020


Key numbers

Numbers fron NG Group 2023


Million tonnes waste handeled




Revenue NOK bn

2 300


Investing to solve global challenges

NG Group`s owner, Summa Equity, is a purpose-driven, thematic investment firm, considering global challenges as opportunities. Large commitment from existing employees investing 430 MNOK in management incentive program

Other queries

Espen Krey Brettås

Group Chief Financial Officer (CFO), EVP NG Group