
In NG Group, we see circularity as the foundation for our business activities. Our ambition and strategy is to drive the shift to a circular economy across the Nordics as a smart feedstock aggregator, accelerate waste valorization and digitize the waste industry. Sustainability is an integrated part of our business and strategy, and our positive impact is reflected in the business models of our six strategic platforms. We have a holistic approach to sustainability and set ambitious and quantified targets across multiple material sustainability topics; greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonization, safety, diversity, and responsible business practice in our value chain. We manage our footprint by developing policies and procedures in line with industry best-practice and meet applicable laws and performance standards on environmental and social aspects, in addition to our obligations to being a responsible business partner.

Pioneering circularity

We aim to drive the shift to circular economy across the Nordics. We have identified five stakeholder categories whose influence, needs, and expectations impact NG Group’s positioning and our work

Commitments and policies

Through our commitments and policies we ensure that our business is conducted in line with applicable legislation and our volountary commitments, entailng amongst other that we continously strive for a sustainable way of business

Sustainability performance

Our work encompasses a variety of tasks, including all the effort we put into certifications and improvements. We are committed to constantly challenging ourselves, striving for improvement and meet tomorrow`s standards

Sustainability reports

Overview of our sustainability reports

Integrated annual report 2023


Åpenhetsredegjørelse NOR


Transparency Act ENG


Bærekraftrapport 2022




Bærekraftrapport 2021




Key sustainability performance indicators in 2023

906 tmt

Total greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1, 2, 3)


Lost time frequency incident rate (LTIFR)


Women leaders and specialists


Total number of on-site audits of high-risk partners in value chain